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Free Remembrance Day Stickers

I've never had much luck with the standard Remembrance Day poppies. The ones in Canada always get lost and find a way to stab you. The ones in the UK also get lost but don't weather well because they're made of paper. I bought a lovely ceramic pin while living in the UK, but I now have to hide it from my baby girl who has a thing for bling (and for trying to chew EVERYTHING). So I decided to make these! Poppy stickers that match the Avery 2" round label template.

For all you teachers, moms, or creative people who may have use for these, enjoy! If you'd like to donate a little for the use of the design please click here. 50% of all donations from this printable will go to the Royal Canadian Legion. Thank you!

(Click on the image to download the PDF.)

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